Thursday, July 1, 2010

I had a.... Full.... Day... Ish

Despite what I've said on the blog here to the contrary, Jacksonville has been pretty cool (if you like big, boring, foggy cities, this is the place to go!). Made almost enough posts to warrant a victory dance and I made a joke about the weird architecture in Jacksonville. I was unable to sleep in a hotel and now I'm laying on a bench with my netbook blogging these final words. 

Thank you, and good night

Why Keith Olbermann's mustache is the greatest mustache in the history of mustaches

As you can see, Mr. Olbermann's mustache from his days on ESPN is waaaaay off the chart

Mullet-Shaped Feathers

As you can tell, theres a lot of weird stuff in Jacksonville, But I feel this weird thing deserves its own post.
Business in the front, party in the back

We're in Jacksonville!

Its like San Fransisco, without the cool

Hello people! I should say that we're live in Jacksonville but, the post title kind've makes that obvious. I've realized that this place is VEEEEERY strange. For example, 

The joggers are made out of bronze.

Penis-shaped architecture

The hotel I couldn't afford

The hotel I could afford

The healing towels outside the hotel

Look out for more articles throughout the week on the freakiness of this strange town.